It's here! My thoughts on urban mission, and particularly Soul in the City, are now available at...
I expected the piece to be quite severely edited, since it was about twice the length I was asked for, but it's been posted in all it's rambling glory. Expecting the death threats for questioning Soul in the City's effectiveness any time now...
Thanks for your thoughts and observations.
I guess the frustrations could reflect that the life of mission within inner city areas is always going to be longer than a 2 week blitz. To be honest these areas are sometimes immune to 2 week blitz's as they get them all the time from most agencies that are involved.
Just a thought.
Nice blog!
Fair comment I think in your article.
Although the move to continue with Soul in the City London is at least an attempt at carrying stuff on. But agree down to earth, long term investment is what's needed.
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