Sunday, October 09, 2005

One more thing for today. I was wandering in to work the other day, when I happened to pass two guys about my age, walking in the opposite direction, and obviously deep in conversation. They were walking fairly quickly, so I only caught 2 words of their conversation. I'd share these 2 words with you, but I fear I'd be contravening the obscene publications act.

Immediately, and involuntarily, I made a judgment in my own mind about the sort of people these guys were. It's amazing the impact we can make on those around us, just in a word or two. And most of the time, we probably don't even realise we're making any kind of impression at all. Now, it'd be easy to get paranoid about this, and to tie ourselves in knots trying to make sure we always influence people for good, and that probably wouldn't do anyone any favours in the long run. But let's remember who we are. Let's allow God to influence people through us, actively ask Him to do that, even, and let's think before we speak, too.

(Yes, for those of you who know me, I know that last exhortation was a bit rich, coming from me, but I'm working on it, honestly...)

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