Monday, August 15, 2005

Life's been feeling like a bad game of monopoly for a while now. Fines, payments, bad luck, disproportionate rent and not much else. Finally though, it seems I'm turning a corner. A totally unexpected gift of £100 from a friend. "Insurance company balls-up in your favour. Collect £218.25." I've even managed to stay out of jail. Call it luck, karma, whatever. I reckon it's evidence of God's provision. My prayers have been little more than plaintive letters to my solicitor recently. I might not be on a huge spiritual high, (although a good week at Soul Survivor and a decent job offer would probably put me there,) but at least my prayers are becoming thanks for services rendered. And the new football season has dawned too. I wonder if the grace of God will extend to promotion for Emmanuel Lightning?

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